

1. 五年制建筑学专业学士、及以上学位,具备良好的建筑学背景知识和素养
2. 有至少三年在同一设计机构的连续工作经验
3. 对充满挑战的工作有热情,具备责任心和追求完美的态度
4. 善于与人沟通,拥有团队精神,且拥有管理日常设计事务的能力
5. 对建筑设计规范、以及建筑结构知识有相应程度的认识
6. 熟悉主流建筑绘图及三维建模软件;或具有手绘、实体模型等制作的能力;或可说明其他专长
7. 有基本的英语读写能力
8. 起薪面议

Project Architect

Responsible for project management (including plan deliberation, design decision, affairs management, etc.), participate in external communication (including project report, technical communication, etc.).

1. Bachelor degree or above in five-year architecture major, with good architectural background knowledge and literacy
2. Have at least three years of continuous work experience in the same design agency
3. Have a passion for challenging work, have a sense of responsibility and an attitude of pursuing perfection
4. Good at communicating with others, possess team spirit, and have the ability to manage daily design affairs
5. Have a corresponding degree of knowledge of building design codes and building structure knowledge
6. Familiar with mainstream architectural drawing and 3D modeling software; or have the ability to make
hand-drawn, solid models, etc.; or can explain other expertise
7. Have basic English reading and writing skills
8. Starting salary negotiable